Income Tax Fillings
"Income Tax Filings" is the process of submitting your financial information to the tax authorities to fulfill your legal tax obligations in the Netherlands. This involves reporting all income earned during a fiscal year and calculating the taxes owed based on applicable tax laws and regulations.
Income Tax Filing via M-Form
"Income Tax Filing via the M Form" is a service that specifically addresses tax filing for individuals in the Netherlands who have income from foreign sources or complex financial situations. The M Form is a tax return form used in the Netherlands for such situations, and GlobeXpert can assist clients.
30% Tax Rulling
The "30% Tax Ruling" is a specialized tax benefit program designed to attract skilled expatriate workers. Under this program, eligible expatriates can receive a tax-free allowance of 30% of their gross salary from their employer, resulting in only 70% of their gross income being subject to income tax.
183-Day Rule and Tax Obligations
The "183-Day Rule and Tax Obligations" service addresses the tax implications and obligations related to the "183-Day Rule," which is a common international tax rule. It typically states that if an individual stays in a foreign country for 183 days or more during a tax year, they may become liable to pay taxes.
Provisional Tax
The "Provisional Tax Refund" service is designed to assist individuals and businesses in obtaining refunds for overpaid taxes during the fiscal year before the final tax assessment. This can be particularly important for those who have experienced changes in income, deductions, or tax circumstances throughout .
Request a Dutch Citizen Service Number (BSN)
The "Request a Dutch Citizen Service Number (BSN)" service assists individuals who are moving to or residing in the Netherlands in obtaining their Dutch Citizen Service Number, also known as the Burgerservicenummer or BSN. This unique identification number is crucial for access to various government services.
Assistance for U.S. Nationals under the Dutch-American Friendship Treaty
The service "Assistance for U.S. Nationals under the Dutch-American Friendship Treaty" is designed to provide guidance and support to U.S. citizens who wish to take advantage of the benefits offered by the Dutch-American Friendship Treaty, also known as the DAFT treaty. This treaty allows U.S. citizens to establish businesses and work as self-employed entrepreneurs in the Netherlands.
Independent Contracting in the Netherlands
"Independent Contracting in the Netherlands" refers to the practice of individuals working as self-employed professionals or freelancers within the Netherlands. This service is designed to assist individuals who wish to engage in independent work, offering various advantages and flexibility compared to traditional employment.
Establishing a Company in the Netherlands
"Establishing a Company in the Netherlands
"Accountancy services" involve a range of financial and accounting activities provided to businesses, including corporations, to ensure accurate financial reporting, compliance with tax regulations, and effective financial management. These services are crucial for maintaining the financial health and transparency of a company.
Registration for Payroll Tax
"Registration for Payroll Tax Exclusively" refers to the process of enrolling in the Dutch tax system for the sole purpose of managing and fulfilling payroll tax obligations. This service is particularly relevant for businesses that have a presence in the Netherlands and need to ensure compliance with Dutch payroll tax regulations.
Setting Up Your Business Made Easy
Navigating the complexities of starting a business in a foreign land can be daunting. At GlobeXpert, we specialize in simplifying the process for you. Our expert team guides you through the intricacies of establishing your business in the Netherlands.
Internatial Workforce and Residence Permits for Expatriates
Our service ensures that businesses hiring international employees in the Netherlands comply with all necessary legal and tax requirements. We help verify employees' eligibility to work, assess the validity of work permits, and provide guidance on social insurance in cross-border situations.
Payroll Management Services
Our services include setting up the payroll system, generating monthly payslips for employees, and submitting payroll tax returns to the tax office. While we provide guidance on payment details, you handle the actual payments.
Value Added Tax (VAT) Refund Services
VAT regulations, especially in cross-border contexts, can be intricate. GlobeXpert simplifies this complexity by ensuring your business accurately applies VAT and submits timely returns. We offer expert guidance to guarantee compliance with VAT regulations, allowing you to focus on your core activities with confidence.
Corporate Tax Filing Services
GlobeXpert specializes in meticulously preparing Dutch corporate income tax returns for international businesses in the Netherlands. Our team ensures thorough and detailed preparation, drawing upon extensive expertise and strong connections with the Dutch Tax Office. We handle large and intricate corporate income tax filings with precision and efficiency, ensuring compliance and peace of mind for our clients.
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